Lately I've become an expert lockpicker because of Elodie's favorite new "game" - pushing the lock on her door to lock Mommy out but then she can't open the door herself. This week we solved that issue with the simple addition of a Latchy Catchy - my Saturday's Small Business share!

The Latchy Catchy is a simply genius invention by Lyndsey, a mom who was at her wits end because every time her bedroom door slammed shut it would wake the baby (something I think every parent can relate to) So she attached a sock (covering the latch) with a rubber band on each knob. That simple ah-ha moment lead to her to create the more appealing version she now sells worldwide. The Latchy Catchy is patented door silencer that allows you to open and close any interior door silently. No more clicks of the knob or slams of the door, just the peaceful sounds of your little ones fast asleep.

Want a Latchy Catchy for your babe? This weekend Latchy Catchy is offering FREE SHIPPING until Monday 3/9 with the code FREEBABY on their site, so go pick out the perfect Latchy Catchy for your babe now!
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